Adult/Young Adult

  • The Sentimental Blonde Coming Soon

    The Sentimental Blonde, inspired by real people & lovers, Lottie Lyell and Raymond Longford, is based on true events in the making (and re-discovery) of Australia’s long-lost silent era masterpiece, The Sentimental Bloke.

  • Better Now Than Never: Book 1 Why

    The first of four books in the Better Now Than Never series is not another "how-to" guide, rather a "what-if" guide for the why, what and how of Life.

    Ever found yourself asking: What am I doing here? What am I meant to do with my life? Why was I born? What is my purpose? How can I change my life?

    You are not alone. Out of confusion eventually comes clarity. From clarity you get certainty. From certainty comes simplicity. The "why" provides your inspiration. It is enduring and dependable as you go on to discover your "what".

  • Better Now Than Never: Book 2 What

    Better Now Than Never: Book 2 What

    Now that you know your "why", you can move through the next cycle of change as you explore your "what".

    Book 2 is about your quest, your mission. What you think you have now, may not be it. Make this book about you. Give yourself permission to openly and freely embrace the processes outlined. Unless you can think "what if...?", there's no starting point from which to make that something happen.

    Let's get into exploring your infinite possibilities. Let's get into now because it is better now, than never right!

  • Better Now Than Never: Book 3 How

    Better Now Than Never: Book 3 How

    Book 3 ‘How’ looks at ways to help you overcome obstacles.

    We've all found ourselves asking how does anyone do it, navigate this human experience we call life? Many of us are told we can be anything and everything we want to be. Why aren't we getting there? Most of us have the feeling in our hearts about what we want, or where we want to go. So what's missing?

    Close the gap between where you are now and your ideal life. Use this as a guide to help you make the changes you need to make in your life.

  • Better Now Than Never: Book 4 Mind Body Spirit Integration

    Better Now Than Never: Book 4 Mind Body Spirit Integration

    ‘Mind Body Spirit Integration’ provides you with a framework within which to get started on your own mind, body, and spirit integration.

    You know your why, what and how. Knowledge is the first part. Knowledge and thoughts are all good, but they are nothing without action. Wisdom is living what you know. This is where the stars align and the wonderful happens.

    Learn to live the life you want to experience. Life is what we make it. What are you doing at this moment to make yours count?